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How to Find Cheap Flights with Airfare Watchdog

Cheap Flights with Airfare Watchdog

I am pretty sure that most people want to travel more often but what I hear from most people who don’t travel as often as they’d like is that the main reason they don’t travel is that the cost of airfare is what holds them back. Well, what if you had some tools that would find the best deals for you and eliver them right to your inbox? Well, there are a multitude of such tools but for this post, I am just going to tell you how to find cheap flights with airfare watchdog.

One of the questions that I get the most from friends and family is “How do you find such cheap airfare?” or something similar. I almost always respond with a prompt “I don’t. The deals come to me.” which usually gets me some sort of perplexed look but it’s true. I spend almost no time looking for airfare. How do I find deals like RT plane tix from Denver to San Juan, Puerto Rico for just $293?

It’s 2012, I use robots find the best airfare for me.

The DIY travel industry is only getting more and more complex and competitive as bloggers like me expose tricks to exploit the system and travel on the cheap. Let robots find you the deals while you live your life.

I use (I am going to refer to them as AWD from here on) for finding almost all of my airfare. There are a few ways that I can find airfares with AWD.

Anywhere that’s cheap

These deals are deals FROM a specific airport that you set.  I currently have one of these set up for Denver so once a day, I get an e.mail sent to my g.mail account (which auto forwards to my Evernote e.mail address) with all of the best deals in the US from Denver. I recently found tix from DEN to LGA (New York City) RT for $138 out the door which I promptly bought and just spent last week in New York. These deals are a great way to get around the states. Sometimes they have some international deals that are worth noting. Just today I got a notification for $608 RT flight from Denver to Moscow Russia. That’s insanely cheap!

Meet me in St Louis

Is kind of the opposite of setting a home city. This is where you set a city and it gives you the best flights TO this city from airports all over the US. This is great for family reunions, college reunions and any other reason people from all over the country might need to all come together in a single city for a while. I personally don’t have much use for this feature yet but I am sure that it will one day be very useful to me. Maybe when I need to rally all of my buddies for a camping trip when we all turn 30 or something.

A City to City Route

Is a specific route that you want to fly like DEN to SNA. I have a number of these set up. Denver to NYC, Denver to Barcelona, Denver to LA, LA to Sydney, Auckland or Tokyo, Denver to Rio De Janeiro. I think the limit for specific routes is 12 so choose wisely. This is where I found my most recent plane ticket to Barcelona for $806 RT from Denver. I spent all of 5 minutes total looking at some e.mails from AWD for this fare. A couple days after I bought my ticket I realized that I kind of screwed myself by flying into Barcelona, Spain instead of Milan, Italy because of where EasyJet flies. I find that these city to city fares are the best way to find international airfare deals with AWD.

These are just 3 of the many ways to find cheap and easy airfare with online robots. I’ll always be posting on sites like as I continue along my travels.

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